

The number of keystrokes indicated for each collection (BCV, CCV, ECV and SCV) includes spaces.

Authors/scientific editors are asked to proceed as follows:

  • choose a simple text layout, with a clear hierarchy of sub-titles, avoiding generic terms in Introduction and Conclusion;
  • acknowledgements for articles (CCV) should be included in a footnote; acknowledgements for other works (BCV, CCV, SCV, ECV) should be provided in a separate file;
  • manuscript page-numbering should be continuous; use the automatic numbering tool;
  • do not use typesetting effects (page breaks, multiple spaces, automatic formatting, carriage returns for inter-paragraph spacing, etc.);
  • deactivate “Track changes” macros.
  • if the manuscript includes illustrations, these will be submitted in a separate dossier:
    • under no circumstances should illustrations be inserted into the text;
    • calls for figures should follow the logic of the exposition and be made only in the text (not in footnotes, tables or figure titles and legends);
  • a dossier text is deemed to be complete when it includes all the elements listed below, according to the nomenclature indicated (without spaces or accents):
    00a_PdT (Title page)
    Book title
    Author's name (2 max)
    Dedication (if applicable)
    Epigraph (if applicable)
    00a_PdT (Page de titre)
    Book title
    Author's name (2 max)
    Dedication (if applicable)
    Epigraph (if applicable)
    00f_Foreword (or Prologue)
    00g_Foreword (or Prologue)
    Body text
    01_Introduction 01_Introduction
    02_ChapI 02_AuthorSurname
    03_ChapII 03_AuthorSurname
    04_ChapIII 04_AuthorSurname
    05_ChapIV 05_AuthorSurname
    …/… …/…
    xx_Conclusion xx_Conclusion
    xx_Appendices (if applicable)
    xx_Sources (if applicable)
    xx_Sources (if applicable)
    xx_Glossary (if applicable)
    xx_Index (if applicable)
    xx_Tables-List (if applicable)
    xx_Illustrations-List (if applicable)
    xx_ToC (Table of contents)  

Font policies

Manuscripts in Latin type must use Times New Roman or some other Unicode font policy that allows transliteration of terms in non-Western languages.

Avoid boldface and underlining.

> For Greek, download IFAO-Grec Unicode from the Institut français d’archéologie orientale – El Cairo website.

> For transliteration of Arabic or transcription of specific characters into certain Western languages, download JaghbUni (Mac or PC).

Notes and reference marks

Notes are to be consigned to the foot of the page (BCV, CCV) or per chapter at the end of the volume (ECV).

Reference marks are to be inserted only with the Word [Insert] > [Note] > [footnote] tool for BCV, CCV and SCV or [endnote] for ECV, with continuous "Automatic" numbering.

These reference marks are to be placed after punctuation marks and inside the closing bracket in the case of a direct reference to the citation, never inside a title or sub-title. Do not reference one note to another.

Literature references are to be cited according to the Instructions for remittal of literature references. Any arguments or comments must be written clearly and concisely.

Figures and figure references

Authors/scientific editors are asked to follow the Instructions for remittal of illustrations.

Figures are never to be inserted in the text; the relevant figure reference should be placed exactly as the logic of the discourse dictates and bracketed (fig. 1, p. 00), never in a sub-title or footnote.


All citations must be referenced in a note citing the source, the name of the translator where applicable, and the page or folio number.

Where these exceed three lines, the quotation marks should be removed and the quotation detached from the text by a paragraph break before and after.

Citations in languages other than that of the manuscript must be translated (or explained) within the body of the text. The original text should be reproduced in a note, in italics between quotation marks, followed by the abridged literature reference and the name of the translator in parentheses, as in the following examples:

«Dios quiso, en un principio que el hombre fuera hecho de dos partes: estando la una compuesta de una masa bastante pesada y densa […] que pudiera estar realmente vista y tocada, esto es, hecha de tierra. […] En el habla común y corriente llamamos a está cuerpo» (Arias Montano, 1999, p. 129, French trans. by author of this book/article).

«He [i.e. Ḥudhaifa] had taken this system of intercalation from the Jews nearly 200 years before Islām; the Jews, however, intercalated 9 months in 24 lunar years. In consequence their months were fixed, and came always in at their proper times, wandering in a uniform course through the year without retrograding and without advancing» (Al-Bīrūnī, Kitāb al-āṭār al-bāqiya, ed. and trans. by Sachau, 1998, Arabic text p. 12; English trans., p. 14).

Foreign languages

Words (Latin characters) in a language other than the one the manuscript is written in are to be placed in italics, without quotation marks, followed by a translation, between quotation marks and bracketed, the first time they occur.

File references must be left in the original background language. Names of ministries, institutions, learned societies or official bodies should likewise be left untranslated.

All Latin words or phrases that appear in dictionaries are to be rendered in Roman type (e.g. in situ, passim, de facto, a priori, etc.).

And again, the usual spelling of certain Arabic words sanctioned by usage, such as oued, souk, fondouk, mufti, vizir, etc., should be preserved.

Authors are asked to transcribe all other Arabic terms according to the principles followed in standard works of research dissemination.

> Download recommendations and table for Transliteration of Arabic.


Tables should be located within the text, preceded by their respective titles. They are to be created only using the [Table] > [Insert] tool in Word.

Avoid tables of less than 5 lines, whose content can be consigned in the text.

Indicate the source used to compile the table at the foot of each one.

To insert notes, use a different numbering style from the text. Use letters a, b, c… italicised in superscript.

Typographic conventions and rules

For currently applicable rules in English, see New Hart’s Rules, 2nd ed. OUP, Oxford 2014 and www.gsbe.co.uk.

a) Upper/lower case

For small capitals (chapter and century numbers, authors' surnames in notes and References) do not use a smaller font, but only the appropriate tool supplied by Word ([Format] > [Font] > [Small Caps]).

b) Spacing

Do not insert multiple spaces between words to align or to achieve any other kind of effect, including after italics.

The signs %, €, units of time, etc. should be preceded by a hard space. Groups of three digits in numbers containing thousands should likewise be separated by a hard space.

c) Quotation marks

For primary marks, use double inverted commas, “...”, without spaces.

For secondary marks, inside primary marks, use single inverted commas, ‘...’, without spaces.

d) Square brackets

These substitute for round brackets: if already within parentheses ([...]); following parentheses (...) [...]; or inside a quotation to indicate an elision or addition [...].

e) Punctuation and double punctuation marks

There is no space between commas or full stops and the preceding word.

In any language other than French, there is no space between a punctuation mark and the word preceding it (e.g.: Árabes, judías y cristianas: mujeres en la Europa medieval).

Abbreviations and symbols

If there are more than 10 abbreviations and acronyms, please provide a list.

a) Common abbreviations

b.: ibn/bint (son/daughter of)
c: century (e.g. 17th c.)
ca (no full stop): circa
ch.: chapter (followed by Roman numerals in small capitals)
coord.: coordinator(s)
cm (no full stop): centimetre
dir.: director(s)
ed., eds: editor(s)
et sq., et sqq.: following page(s)
fig.: figure
f., ff.: folio(s)
ibid., Id., Ead.: the same
l.: line
ms., mss: manuscript(s)
m (no full stop): metre(s)
n.: note; No., Nos.: number(s)
n.d.: no date of publication
n.p.: no place of publication
n.p.: no publisher
p., pp.: page(s)
§: paragraph; %: percentage
r: recto (preceded by number, w/o space)
s.v.: sub voce (under the word) [to cite a definition in a dictionary or encyclopaedia, followed by a word in quotation marks: s.v. “Antiocheis”]
t.: tome (volume) [followed by capitalised Roman numerals]
v: verso (preceded by number, no space)
vol.: volume

b) Abbreviations of first names

French first names beginning with a consonant should be abridged up to the first vowel, regardless of the language of the manuscript (Florence: Fl.; Jean-Claude: J.-Cl.; Christophe: Chr.)

c) Chronological information

Use “BCE” and “CE” or “BC” and “AD”.

Islamic dates should be mentioned where the Arabic sources cite them; their Gregorian calendar equivalents should be given after a forward slash, as follows: 463/1071-541/1147 or 463-541/1071-1147, mutually exclusively within the same book, article or Dossier. The Islamic date is not to be given in the case of Christian dynasties, contemporary references or references from Christian sources, European historical events or events occurring in Europe.

Century numbers should be given in Arabic ordinal numbers: 3rd c. BCE.

Millennium numbers should be given in Arabic ordinals: 4th Millennium BP.

Dynasty numbers should be given either by a following Roman numeral, e.g. “Dynasty IV”, or preceded by an Arabic ordinal, e.g. “4th Dynasty”.